Monday, September 5, 2011

Bye Bye Puffy Bags!

Hey ladies! I am always watching out for those great home remedies to help give us a quick fix for beauty emergencies that we have or problems that we want to get rid of. So today I am covering those unwanted bags, puffiness, and dark circles under the eye.

Here it is... 'Preparation H'!!! I am sure some of you have heard of using this before but for those who haven't I decided to give you this little tip.  Preparation H (yes, for hemorrhoids) is great to use when you are having problems with bags under your eyes and puffiness, but through my research I found that it helps with fine lines and wrinkles as well! Some dermotologist have reported that the ingredient Bio-dyne in PH is what will actually help constrict the capillaries and reduce the puffy-puff. A lot of  celebrities, makeup artists, and models swear by using this under their eyes to help get a quick fix! I do warn to use with caution of course because like I say about everything else you never know how something will react to your skin and be careful not to get it into your eyes.

Don't want to use PH? Here are a few other tricks to try out as well.
- Sleep! Getting plenty of rest will do wonders for your skin, your health, and helping reduce under eye problems.

-Relax! I know everyone has stress in their life because it is only natural but trying to relax and getting rid of your stress will do wonders just as sleep does.

-Water! Drink plenty of water and fluids to keep your body hydrated.

-Salt... cut down on your salt intake because salt can help in the dehydration of the body which can be the cause of your under eye problems.

-Cool-it! Example: cold spoon, ice cube in a wash cloth, ice pack, cold cucumber,strips of potatoes, or strawberries are all great to use because they will help reduce the swelling.

I hope that you learned something interesting from this post, if you have any tips, tricks, comments or questions just post at the bottom and I hope you enjoy! *muah*


  1. hmmm I may have to try this and see if it works for me. I can't say that i've ever heard of it but i guess for what it is intended for it reduces the blood vessels so i guess if swollen blood vessels under the eyes causes puffiness...then it makes since for it to beans

  2. Yes! If you try it let me know... Share your experience :)

  3. I was reluctant to try this but it actually worked almost instantly. The puffyness* under my eyes went down significantly within 30 minutes.

  4. So I have gotten rid of the bags. Now I need a great concealer. I had MAC NC45 but that was a bit too thick for me and was slightly off in color. Trying to decide between Smashbox and Stila. Any suggestions?


  5. Brad Calloway! Yay, I am glad that you tried it. It's great to see a man try to keep his appearances up. It's amazing how great this stuff works!

    Momma!!! (aka Nikki) Yay for no more bags. Yea I have used that MAC NC45 concealer myself but I don't use it anymore. There are a few different concealers that I use. I will do a post to let you know!
