Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stinky Itchy Scalp Be Gone!

Hey ladies...and gents! So as I was talking to one of my sisters tonight I was complaining that my scalp was itching. Yes, something so simple and small but honestly it's not that simple and small to some people. There are some that have issues with very bad dandruff and an itchy scalp and no matter what they try...they can't make it GO AWAY! Well here is something I learned about a few years ago...LISTERINE! Yea, you got it! That liquid stuff you swish in your mouth to make that funk smell go away, it helps in getting rid of dandruff problems. The Listerine will actually kill "bottle bacillus" which is the common cause of the infectious dandruff. When using Listerine, make sure that it is mixed with water and massage it onto your scalp. Not only will you have "Fresh" hair (ha,ha) but you will have a nice, cool, tingling sensation on your scalp! As I say about everything I write on, always use with precaution!

If you are questioning this, feel free to do a little research (as I did)! Oooo and one interesting fact, in 1953, Cosmopolitan did an article on using Listerine to cure dandruff problems... how cool is that?!?!

Happy washing ....and while you're at, throw a lil in the mouth too!

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