Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kissable Lips!

Hey ladies! So I know everyone loves to have great lips! No man wants to see a beautiful face with "crusty" lips! #JustSayin. So here are a few tips for a healthier, smoother, prettier pout!

FIRST stop licking your lips constantly. I understand that it becomes habit if you think your lips are dry so you lick them, but really that just makes them dryer. Get a lip balm. MOISTURE! MOISTURE! MOISTURE! This could range from the Coco Butter balm to Vaseline or ChapStick. Whatever is going to work best for you. When choosing a lip balm, look for one that has SPF in it because you want to protect your lips from the sun just as you protect the rest of your body. Once a week I do like to do a lip scrub for my lips because that will help get rid of any dead skin on my lips and give me a smoother palette to work with.

Secondly, always remember to drink plenty of water. Keeping your body hydrated will always work with keeping prettier lips as well as prettier skin.

Next, whenever you want to do a lip gloss/lip stick make sure you choose one that is going to help add moisture to your lips and not dry them out. Also, as mentioned in an older post, try using a lip primer underneath.

Last but not LEAST!....put those new kissable lips to the test!

Hope you enjoy and smooches beautiful!!!!

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